The central method by which God changes a person is by giving that person a greater understanding of Himself in the person of Jesus Christ through the ministry of the Word and Spirit of God (2 Cor 3:18). This unique change requires our cooperation by disciplining ourselves in biblical meditation, prayer, and obedience. Our hope is that these articles will not only convince you of the possibility and benefits of biblical change, but equip you in this change.

Free Videos on Biblical Change

We have hundreds of training videos on biblical change and counseling. In fact we have an online school of counseling  (A.C.B.C. Certified Curriculum) and a large media store.

If you would like to watch some at no cost please go to our Vimeo Channel. May these inspire and instruct you in positive changes in your walk with Christ that empower and instruct positive changes in your relationship with others and in dealing with trials

Free Videos on Biblical Change